IC research papers

IC research papers provide a concise introduction to several topics relevant to leadership, coaching and education. Papers often serve as preliminary reading for teams wishing to explore a particular theme or enquiry in greater detail.


Emotional intelligence and leadership

 “The positive mood of a team leader creates consistent, positive affective states within a team, which strengthen a team’s confidence in its own abilities”


Social capital and schools

“Teachers’ social capital often has more of an impact on student achievement than teachers’ teaching skills”


Resonant leadership and prosocial behaviour

“People are happy to follow resonant leaders because it is clear their heart is in their work”


Values and educational leadership

 “Making choices about values and actions involves leaders and their colleagues in moral decisions about the nature of the learning community they want to construct”


Power and leadership

“Individuals with power are able to influence others to think, feel, and act in ways these other individuals may not have chosen before this influence was exerted”


Ethics in organisations

“A successful leader is both an ethical and an effective leader. An organisation’s leadership is seen as the most critical element in establishing and maintaining an ethical climate”


Helping, help-seeking and leadership

“Helping is the core of what we think of as teamwork and is an essential ingredient of organizational effectiveness. It is one of the most important things that leaders do”


Mental health of children and young people (1)

Categories, prevalence, risks and impacts


Mental health of children and young people (2)

Treatments, technology, and issues for schools


Social and emotional learning in schools

“SEL programs are one of the most successful interventions to promote the positive development of students”


The benefits of nature for coaching

“Using a variety of methodologies and measures, researchers have shown that exposure to the natural world decreases negative behaviors and states and increases positive ones”

Transformation: what does it mean for learning, coaching and leadership?

“Organisational change is brought about one individual at a time; a change of behaviour or a change of outlook by one individual in an organisation is the cellular basis of achieving transformation”